Cyber security Blog

To ensure the safety of your online presence, it is important to be aware of the latest cyber security threats. A great way to stay informed is by following a cybersecurity blog. This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest threats and how to protect yourself.

Who needs cyber security

Who needs cyber security

Six main institutions who are at risk and thus should prioritize cybersecurity: Although it is necessary for ALL businesses to instill a sense of value around cyber security, there are 6 institutions that are believed to need it the most. Namely; healthcare, small businesses, government agencies, manufacturing,  financial institutions, education and energy and utility institutions. 

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Types of Cyber Attacks: Learn How to Prevent Them

Types of Cyber Attacks: Learn How to Prevent Them

What are cyber attacks? Cyber attacks are conducted by individuals in order to gain access to a device that is not necessarily authorized for them. They do so with the intention of destroying or changing information, or to cause some sort of damage to a computer system or computer network. Cyber attacks might also disable

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Cloud security: Introduction

Cloud security: Introduction

Cloud security is an aspect of cyber security, sharing similar goals in terms of security and protection.  Cloud security in specific includes safeguarding and providing protection over any cloud-based data, cloud computing environments, any applications that run inside the cloud and various other infrastructures from potential cyber attacks or various cyber threats.  This protection includes

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Israel cyber security companies: Cyber security Strategy

Israel cyber security companies: Cyber security Strategy

Cyber Security: What is cyber space? Israel’s cyber security strategy overview: During more recent years, action within cyberspace has developed and continues to develop on a daily basis at an extremely rapid rate, thus we are needing more and more skills to keep up with this development in order to protect ourselves and our businesses.

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